Besides feeling safe, it feels good when you know you have someone to talk to.
Here I don’t mean your friends but professional staff that know how to deal with all kinds of problems students may have. That includes finance problems and advices, health and wellbeing services, generic student services, Student’s union or even library services.
I have the luck of studying in one of the most supportive universities in the world, the University of Nottingham, and even though I’m home because of the COVID-19 epidemic situation I feel like I’m being supported, and I have someone I can send an email at any time. That means a lot.
To find out more, go to the university’s website and check what kind of services they offer.
ملحوظة: مضمون هذا الخبر تم كتابته بواسطة الأجزخانة ولا يعبر عن وجهة نظر مصر اليوم وانما تم نقله بمحتواه كما هو من الأجزخانة ونحن غير مسئولين عن محتوى الخبر والعهدة علي المصدر السابق ذكرة.