Simply put, job prospects in the UK are probably the best across the European continent as it is the fastest growing economy therein. Since 2007, the job market has been constantly growing and becoming stronger as the service sector creates openings as fast as it possibly can.
By the end of 2013, the prospects of medical students seemed the brightest at 93-95%. Up next were Media and Information Studies at 93%, Agricultural Studies and Technology at 92%, Architecture and Business Finance at 90%. In fact, a BBC report claimed that students of social science are most likely to find relevant employment in senior or lateral managerial roles within three months of graduation.
The growth in the employment sector keeps growing in these fields, and in IT fields such as Software Engineering and Computer Science—especially since they have the most potential for exports.
Moreover, the creative industries are fast-growing and make up to 5.6% of the total workforce in the UK. This includes subjects like music, film, television, writing, sound engineering, etc. In short, if you graduate from the UK, your options are pretty much open.
ملحوظة: مضمون هذا الخبر تم كتابته بواسطة الأجزخانة ولا يعبر عن وجهة نظر مصر اليوم وانما تم نقله بمحتواه كما هو من الأجزخانة ونحن غير مسئولين عن محتوى الخبر والعهدة علي المصدر السابق ذكرة.